Deep Drive Baseball

Card and Dice Game


Deep Drive Baseball, developed by Chris Witt at

This blog serves to update followers of the game on the latest developments and releases as they become available.

The game was developed in 2016 and is slated for release during the summer of 2017.

Joining the ranks of other baseball simulations played out using cards and dice, Chris hopes other hobbyists will find Deep Drive Baseball to be entertaining, statistically accurate and easy to learn.

I started development of the game over 30 years ago, right around the time I was 10 or so and first got my hands on a tabletop baseball game.

Couple that with a love for Role Playing Games and the affordability of the personal computer and it didn’t take long for me to start messing around with my own game designs.

So it seems fair to say the Deep Drive Baseball Game is where a road 30-plus years in the making has taken me but is also not necessarily the end of that road either.

I feel really good about the product and hope other folks get some pleasure out of it.

I’m always interested in hearing from folks about the product, so feel free to reach out to me at any time.

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